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Provincetown Stories
Coming March 2026


Provincetown Stories is a short story collection set in the famous Portuguese fishing village/artist colony/tourist destination on the tip of Cape Cod. With its stunning natural scenery and bustling nightlife, Provincetown attracts dreamers, grifters, artists, eccentrics, and others. This book showcases the many different people (queer, straight, white, Black, Latinx, and so forth) who come to this magical place where big drama is stuffed into a tiny space three miles long and three blocks wide. These entertaining stories reflect how and why Provincetown is so different and special.


There are many unforgettable characters in this collection including Aurora, the town’s comforter of the broken hearted; Jackson, the demon twink who thinks of only himself; Cee, a kind soul seeking a place where no one persecutes them; and Luna, the immortal who keeps the town from dissolving into chaos. Some of these stories are comedies, others are serious or touch on important issues. Central to this collection is the stunning natural environment and the special mix of people who live and visit here. They reflect life in this zany town and its unique sense of place.

For more information, click here.

Other Short Stories

The Lesser Saints of Silicon Valley


       Another Runner in the Night     

       Auguries                                                    LatineLit   

       Dignity                                                      Xinachtli Journal—Journal X

       Eurydice at the Medianoche Saloon               The Plentitudes                        

       Interview With the Trickster                            Squawk Back

       The Invisible Man                                        Shark Reef

       The Love Potion                                           Night Picnic

       The Lovesick Arborist

       Matchmaking and Taxes                               Somos en escritos       

       Ms. Perez Plans Her Funeral                          Latin@Literatures    

       Once an Immigrant

       Secrets                                                      LatineLit


       The Solace of Cats


       Time for a Rest

       Unasked Questions                                      Twin Bird Review

       Voices                                                       Agapanthus Collective






     The Rise and Fall of the Baker-Andersons         LatineLit


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